Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meago is a BEACH BUM

As you may know, I've been spending two and a half weeks at the beach. We are leaving next Wednesday, so my time at the Gulf of Mexico is not quite over yet. (And no, there isn't any oil here.)

A typical day at the beach consists of the following:

I will wake up around 9 or 10 AM. I wobble into my parents' room and my mom makes me breakfast. (Yes, I know... I am sooo spoiled.) Typically, I would eat a bagel. But lately, I've felt like a fatty, so I've been having smoothies. Again, spoiled.

This is why I've given up bagels for a little while. :(

Anyway, eventually I'll get my lazy butt up and get a shower and get my bathing suit on. Yes, I have to get a shower before I go out in the ocean and pool and get dirty again. Is this logical? No. But oh well.

Sometimes, I'll be stupid and go out in the sun during the heat of the day. Typically, though, if I don't have any friends or extra family over, I'll stay inside and be lazy. Or, we'll go shopping. I like the latter, a lot. Trust me. :)

Whenever it's low tide, my mother and I will drag some friends with us and we'll go out on the sand bar. For those of you don't know what a sad bar is... I'll draw you a picture. =D

1. "Hey dude, I'm on the sand! Yay!"
2. "I'm in the ocean, yeahhhh."
4. "Woah, snappums. I can touch now..."

Out here, we'll hunt for sand dollars and whatever else we can find. We've found various ropes out here, it's kind of scary. I've also seen dolphins, pelicans, and this kind of weird fish out on the sandbar:

He looked something like that... I think?

Eventually I'll come in, and we'll eat dinner. We never go out to eat while we are on vacation. My aunt and my mom (and sometimes  rarely myself) collaborate and make some good food. This would include carrots, bell peppers, steak... Oh man, we eat so much good food. No wonder I look like this right now:

M for Meago... and MEAAAT.

After dinner, I'll go shelling with a friend from our motel. Then we'll be all cold and jump in the heated pool, and won't come out until 10PM or so. (Yes, this is sooo against the rules. But, there's no one in the front office after eight, so who cares?!?!) 

Then, after all this is over... I'm here, blogging! :)

The Logo for a "Happy Meago"

So, there you go. My day is over after 1:30AM or 2AM... Yes, I am a night owl. And yes, I may stay up a little bit longer after this post is up. :)

Well, until next time, lovelies... I leave you with a picture of what I will be doing tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day...

And YES, I lotion up RELIGIOUSLY.


I love comments! :)